Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Sylum Inspiration: Harry Dresden

Sylum Inspiration: Harry Dresden


Tallikut: Member


(Dilios Note: Not much is known about Dresden, but he advertises in the Yellow Book as Wizard.  Most information is speculation or rumor, or my very good investigation skills.  I know he knows I wrote all this – the fact it’s not disappeared either means I’m fully wrong or he trusts me.  At least he won’t kill me like the Assassins – just turn me into a frog.  Maybe…)

Dresden had a wife and son, and circle of friends, and was well respected in his village.

It all went to hell, when his best friend, Robert, lost his wife and set out to bring her back, in a way that went against all the laws of nature, and the deeply held beliefs of their village.  In the end Robert still lost his wife, and was punished severely, along with his wife’s brother Pearly.

Dresden, going against his village, took Robert into his care afterwards.

It’s not known for sure what happened exactly, but not many years after that, the village was destroyed.

Only two of its people survived.

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