Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Category: <span>Sylum Charities</span>

Sylum Charities: Vindolanda

Vindolanda Trust

The Vindolanda Charitable Trust was founded in the spring of 1970, with seven Trustees. Three of the whom were members of the Archibald family: Brigadier Brian Archibald, Daphne Archibald and Elizabeth Archibald and three were of the Birley family, Professor Eric Birley, Anthony Birley and Robin Birley. Charles Bosanquet, Vice Chancellor of Newcastle University was the seventh member.

The aims of the Trust, which have remained to this day, were for the archaeological research of the site, making the structures and artefacts available to the interested public, especially educational groups, and engage with people from all walks of life.

For More Information: Vindolanda Trust

Sylum Charity: Beanie for Brain Cancer


This Foundation – The Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF) – is a Non-Profit, Health Promotion Charity that my wife Kirralee and I began in 2014, after I was diagnosed with brain cancer. We began the Foundation when we realised how underfunded brain cancer was in Australia in comparison to other cancers. The lack of funding meant very little research into treatments or cures for brain cancer and, as a result, not much has changed in the shocking brain cancer mortality rates over the past 30 years.

We had no idea when we started our Foundation and set about raising funds for some much needed research, the incredible amount of support we would receive from people everywhere.

In 2014 we kicked off our first simple fundraiser, Beanie for Brain Cancer Campaign. Since then we have grown from selling a few hundred beanies locally to joining forces with the National Rugby League to create an annual Beanie for Brain Cancer Round.

Our Beanie campaign is now a nationally recognised fundraiser which has seen almost 1 million beanies sold!

For More Information: Beanie for Brain Cancer

Sylum Charity: National Eagle Center


To day is Save the Eagles day so I figured this would be a good charity to showcase!


The National Eagle Center encapsulates a world in which the iconic power and presence of eagles are known, respected, advocated for, and protected.

Located in Wabasha, Minnesota, we’re home to several non-releasable Bald Eagles and a nesting place for hundreds of others who come for the winter.

Whether you wish to see these beautiful creatures up close, observe them in their prime habitat, incorporate our research into your own teachings, or donate to support our mission, we have a way for you to get involved.


For More Information: National Eagle Center


Sylum Charity: Breast Cancer Research Foundation


This month is Breast Cancer Awareness.   I know many on this group have been touched by the impact of Breast Cancer.

This month we’re showcasing Breast Cancer Research Foundation:

At BCRF, we believe in the power of proof. Just as science is built upon evidence, we expect our research to deliver results. We invest your donations in ideas that will turn into action. To us, progress means making discoveries in the lab that will have a meaningful impact on breast cancer patients today as well as tomorrow.

Since 1993—and because of your generosity—BCRF-supported investigators have been deeply involved in every major advance in breast cancer prevention, diagnosis, treatment and survivorship. Your support has funded more than 17 million hours of research, bringing us all closer to prevention and cure.

Please make a donation – what they’ve accomplished in learning about cancer and how to treat it has been exceptional.

I’m dedicating this month’s charity donations to Janelle – who we last earlier this year to Breast Cancer.

For more information: Breast Cancer Research Foundation

Sylum Charity: Monuments Men Foundation


The last original member, Richard Barancik, of the Monuments Men passed recently.   Please consider donating this month in his memory.

These men and women have done so much to preserve history, art and culture.   And they continue to fight for the preservation of historical monuments.  

For More Information: Monuments Men Foundation

Sylum Charity: SAGE


In honor of Pride Month

We make aging better for LGBTQ+ people nationwide. How? We show up and speak out for the issues that matter to us. We teach. We answer your calls. We connect—generations, each other, allies. We win. And together, we celebrateLearn more about our mission and core values.

For More Information: SAGE

Local Libraries



We need them, and we’re loosing them.

For this month’s charity, reach out to your local library and see how you can help.

Either by volunteering or becoming a friend of the library.

Sylum Charity: World Central Kitchen (WCK)


Considering the latest natural distasters plus on going conflicts and the work the WCK has been putting out – I figured best to showcase them.


For More Information: World Central Kitchen