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Discussion Thursday: TV Show – Rizzoli & Isles

Discussion Thursday: TV Show – Rizzoli & Isles

Discussion Thursday

Rizzoli & Isles

Rizzoli & Isles

Title: Rizzoli & Isle

Channel: TNT

Time: Hiatus until Summer Premier

Premise: Based on characters created by best-selling crime novelist Tess Gerritsen, RIZZOLI & ISLES stars Angie Harmon as Jane Rizzoli, a tough-as-nails Boston police detective, and Sasha Alexander as Maura Isles, a smart, impeccably dressed medical examiner from a privileged background. Despite being complete opposites, the two women share an offbeat chemistry and strong working relationship that has helped them bust some of Boston’s most notorious criminals.

Lorraine Bracco stars as Jane’s demanding and intrusive mother, Angela. Lee Thompson Young is Detective Barry Frost, Jane’s somewhat green partner. Bruce McGill plays Detective Vince Korsak, Jane’s seasoned former partner who resents her being paired with Frost. And Jordan Bridges is Jane’s brother, Frankie Jr., a patrol cop who hopes one day to become a detective.

Rizzoli & Isle - Team

At first I wasn’t interested in the series, despite the fact Sasha Alexander was in it.  I’m not quite sure why suddenly decided to take a look at the series, but after about three episodes in, it hooked you.  Sasha and Angie are amazing as the two leads – Marua Isles and Jane Rizzoli.  They are two strong woman who are very different, yet not.  They adore each other, will back each others plays without thinking, and at the same time want to smack the crap out of each other.  They are real woman.  Many times I could find myself relating to Rizzoli (hush to the peanut gallery) but those who know me – that isn’t nearly shocking.

They tackle modern day events/issues without hesitation.  There’s an episode where a woman is killed and you discover she has a wife.  It was just part of the story, not a big deal made over the fact this was a gay couple.  Recent episode you discover Detective Frost’s mom has a partner and she was worried on telling him.  They handled the situation with the fear, stress, and love that comes with those type of moments.  There is a returning character who was wounded in Afghanistan and has lost most use of his legs.  In simple ways they show the affects of the injury to his life, and those he loves.  It brings to home so many issues you hear and read about and makes it real.  Giving the audience someone to relate to.

Angie Harmon: Jane Rizzoli  the only daughter, of a Boston Italian Family – she shocked and upset her family by become a police officers instead of marrying and having kids.  The character is well rounded, lovable and annoying.  Angie brings a sense of humor and sophistication to a hard nose cop who as a woman has to live in a man’s world.  I’ve followed Angie since her stint in Law&Order.   If you have a twitter account you would enjoy following her: Angie Harmon – she is funny, inspirational, adores her fans, and she’ll post pics from filming.

Sasha Alexander: Maura Isles was adopted by her parents when she was a baby, raised in a upper class family.  She is the ME of Boston PD and is very knowledgeable about anything sometimes too much.  I hadn’t seen her in a real role since Kate in NCIS so it was nice to see her in running series as a lead.  It took a while to get used to the blonde hair but she pulls it off beautifully.  She gives Maura a sense of humor, innocence, intelligence, and caring.

Lorraine Bracco: Plays Jane’s mother.  If you don’t recognize her name you’ll recognize her voice instantly.  Angie Rizzoli is an Italian mother of 3, and everyone knows it.  I do adore her characters, but there are times she does the hot/cold quickly and sometimes they aren’t sure where they want ma to go with her life.

Lee Thompson Young: Detective Barry Frost – Jane’s partner.  He’s assigned to her after she has a bad run in with a serial killer, Hoyt.  The character is very different from her previous partner. Young. Tech Savy. And the two don’t always get along.  I’ve never seen Lee Thompson Young in anything else, but he shows good potential and I would enjoy seeing his career unfold.

 Bruce McGill: Vince Korsak – Jane’s former partner.  He was removed as her partner due to the fact she was taken on the job by Hoyt.  He still works with Jane and Frost, but still upset over the fact he failed Jane in her worst nightmare.  Bruce McGill has been around Hollywood and you know him the moment you see him.  Might not know his name, but you’re always going – that guy! You know the one in ….

Jordan Bridges: Frankie Rizzoli – Jane’s Brother.  Who wanted to follow in sister’s footsteps and become a cop much to the dismay of Mama Rizzoli.  Over the past three years the show has been on – Jordan has developed from new actor to someone who can hold his own in the scene.  Frankie has grown as a character and it shows.


The TV Series is actually based on a set of books by Tess Gerritsen – her first book introducing Jane Rizzoli – The Surgen.  I’ve read the first book, and the timing is slightly different as it starts in 2000 (pre 9/11) so the situations/background is slightly different from the TV Series. I’ve got the rest of the book sitting on the bedside table and will read them as time goes on.

Sylum Relationship: Jane Rizzoli & Maura Isles were briefly introduced in Roads Untravelled.  There story is in the works, but sitting on the back burner as many stories are in front of them.  The biggest difference you’ll notice from the book series/tv series and Sylum is Joey Grant.  Joey is scene briefly in the Pilot and 2nd Episode – played by Donnie Wahlberg.  He’s family friend who’s known Jane all their lives.  This character is being used heavily in Sylum – while he’s never really seen again in the TV show.

Joey Grant

Joey Grant: Mate to both Jane and Maura 

So the questions I’m tossing out today are: Do you watch the show?  Loveit? Like it? OH Hell No? Do you read the books? Does the show do the books justice? Or are the too different?

Sylum Questions: Curious to know how they all got together? What are their histories? And did you notice they are the only triad paring that is two woman and a man.  And Joey will tell you – having two woman as Mate’s isn’t easy and any guy who has the fantasy of two girls – yeah they should try living with Maura and Jane.

Rizzoli & Isles On-Air Promo


  1. love the books, now I have to watch the series. I am interested in all the arcs of Sylum now. I started in hopes of finding Dean & Sam (still my fav) then got hooked on Speed (loved him in CSI) then Jack Sparrow and then the list goes on and on. One of my favorites Jack Sparrow & Dean. I would love to see them in a story! What fun/havoc the two of them would have dragging their mates along with them. Maybe someone would like to write that one???

    Love this and I am in the process trying to find a story I might have missed. Hard to do since I keep getting hooked on reading them all over again and again.

    Can’t afford to come to the get together but I sure wish I could!!!

    Thank you guys!!!

    1. Bj Jones

      I’m working on getting a list together that has the fics in read order and also in timeline order. Its taking time as cleaning up of wiki is the focus.

      Well that and the editing and working on next stories 😀

  2. I meant to say see Dean & Jack in another story! One with them just being them. Jack & Dean bonding as friends would be so cool. Wow, two with that same attitude. Poor Sam & Will. My thoughts are Sam & Will love their mates and all that means. Thanks for this world guys, I really enjoy it immensely.

  3. Gil Grissom

    I haven’t yet seen the show, but it’s on my long list of things I need to watch, lol. But first I need to rewatch some stuff, catch up on shows I’ve been watching, finish watching White Collar, get to the long list of shows/movies I need to watch for Sylum purposes, which this show is on, lol.

    *snickers* Poor Joey. Well, with two female Mates, I guess he’s just gotta be Hangin’ Tough. (Yes, I went there! *rimshot*)

    1. Bj Jones


      It’s amazing how long the list is – need to watch, buy, download, find that movie/tv show/book/video game … is related to Sylum 😀

      There are moments of Girl Drama if you get what I mean but over all the show is fun – one of those you can watch walk away come back watch some more.

  4. Sheri

    I watch and enjoy the show. I started watching it the second season adn have only seen a few episodes of season one. I have to admit the lack Boston accents on supposed natives bothered me; but then I saw an episode from the first season where the Boston accent was butchered so I let that go. I have not read any of the books.

    As for Sylum, I am interested in backstory and how Angela is reacting to no grandkids.

    1. Bj Jones

      The only true boston accent was Donnie’s cause you can’t get rid of his if you tried….

      It will be a unique situation being the rare two woman one guy. And how the family will handle it.

  5. JillG

    Watched the show from the beginning and like it. Love the snarkiness/friendship between Frost & Korsak.

    Would love to know how they met and were turned.

    Would also like to know if they always were a triad or a bonded pair surprised by the pull to another.

    Feel a little sorry for Joey but am sure he has some tricks to stop Jane & Maura ganging up on him.

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