Nothing is True. Everything is Connected.
Character Introduction: Edward Courtney

Character Introduction: Edward Courtney


Oceania: Advisor


Name: Edward Courtney

Turn Date: 1879 AD

Sire: John Herod

Mate: Julia Kelly


Edward Courtney doesn’t remember much of his parents. He remembers leaving England and making his way with his family to America. While on the boat, there was a man carrying two guns.  Fascinated by the crucifix on the handle, he reached out.

A rogue wave hit the boat, pulling Edward overboard. He still doesn’t quite know how he survived but looking back it was a sure sign that God had a plan for him.

When he washed up on shore, he found the gun he so admired washed up next to him. He picked it up only to hear shouting, and looked up to see adults running for him.

Cort was moved around to variety of homes, orphanages and finally when he was old enough he wandered out of the area and headed West.

He landed in a town called Redemption.

It ended up being Hell.

He walked into a middle of a gunfight competition. Not taking no for an answer he was dragged into the competition and handed a weapon. He stared in shock at the gun with a crucifix on it, the very same one he reached for a child. ‘The Left Hand of God’ he would later discover it’s twin ‘The Right Hand of God’ with Ben Wade. The fact their both Meridii somehow made it sense.

Expecting to die quickly, he took a deep breath, said a prayer and pulled his gun. His opponent laid dead in the street.  He threw up seconds later.

He was a natural.

It also caught the attention of John Herod.

The next six months of his tortured life was at the bastards hand.

Ending with Herod Turning him Without Consent.

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